Love your mind


Our mission

     Mental Health issues come in many forms. Some people experience mild depression while others may experience severe depressive moods, anxiety, ADHD, PTSD, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder(s) as well as substance use disorder  or other personality disorders that affects one’s mood, behavior or ability to carry one with daily life. According to research, one in 5 Americans struggle with mental health and/substance use problems however many of these people do not seek help due to the stigma associated with these problems.  Total Healing Centers understands how to work with patients who experience these difficulties without  judgment or stigma or barriers to treatment. Our approach begins with actively listening to the patient, recognizing the concern, validating feelings and building therapeutic alliance as well as understanding, and responding to the needs and concerns of our patients and their loved ones.

Learn How To Love Your Mind

     We are here to help you understand why you might be experiencing the feelings of anxiety, stress or depression.  Our staff has the tools and resources available to make a difference in your life.  Now is the time to take back control learn how by selecting a category that fits you best.

Below you will find the areas we deal with everyday if you don’t see what you are looking for please contact us we will certainly be able to help.

The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction, not a destination.